Plus 1 Minus 1 Concept

Plus 1 Minus 1 Concept

Plus 1 Minus 1 Concept

This profound concept will affect and change your life.
NLG Energy 5 forms of love

A Life-Changing Concept

A first reaction to hearing about the Five Forms of Love, might be, “Really? Love is all we need? How will that fix anything?” or “I already love everyone.” But the Five Forms of Love are a daily practice, and they are the answer to helping humanity to evolve. The practice is profound and will affect and change how humans see themselves and the future. Each person must demonstrate the Five Forms of Love in their daily lives. It is a lifetime shift that involves commitment and attention. The Five Forms of Love are taught at Energy Source Centers and in Energy Source writings.


NLG is a non-profit organization. NLG offers a complementary healthcare method to support the participant’s well-being. NLG practitioners are not licensed physicians.
NLG is not a substitute for medical treatment or medications.
Any NLG services, suggestions, or communications provided should not be taken as a diagnosis or recommendation against the advice of a licensed physician or mental health professional.
NLG Energy Source is not responsible for participants’ medical condition.
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