Level 1-2 Practice FAQ

Level 1-2 Practice Questions

NLG Energy Source Global would like to provide everyone all the answers to all the frequently asked questions

Level 1-2 Practice At Home Questions

Each day you can practice 2 techniques of Stem Cell Stimulation and Self-healing. Each technique in the first month of practice can be practiced up to 3 times a day, KTTBG can be practiced consecutively or several hours apart, especially for self-healing techniques, 2 times of practice need at least 6 hours apart. However, for some people who practice for the first few days and feel warm, they only need to practice 1 time / day for each technique and only the healing NL part, they can receive 1 more time from others (note the time receiving NLG). healing from others requires at least 6 hours of self-healing). If you exercise a lot, your body will have excess energy, it will lead to cell disturbance and not good for the body – this is very important, practitioners should pay attention.

For the KTTBG techniques, students who have not yet felt the heat can practice continuously. After a few days, the warmth of the spine will gradually be felt. If you don’t feel comfortable and can’t arrange the time, you can practice a few hours apart.

NLG should be practiced when waking up in the morning, not in the evening. Because exercising in the morning will help you have energy for a healthy day. Evening exercise can lead to insomnia because of the alertness of the energy it brings. In addition, in a working day, if you feel tired, you can practice 1 more time the self-healing technique or Stem Cell Stimulation to feel awake and healthy again.
You sit in a closed room still completely get NLG. NLG Energy from the outer space has the ability to supply all life on Earth, you can get it anywhere you sit. But sitting in a room that is not quiet, too cramped, musty smell, not neat and clean also affects the focus of the receiver, reducing the efficiency of absorbing energy. You should avoid drafts, fans, and air conditioners that hit you directly because it will distract and distract the NLG from feeling warm. The coldness of the air conditioner should not be too cold.

Sitting on moving vehicles such as trains, cars, etc. is not very effective because it can be distracting due to the noise. No matter where you practice, you must set the time at the specified time, if you don’t have enough time, you will not receive enough, if you do not have enough time, you will have excess energy.
You should choose a quiet place, in front of a wall or a fixed object that will help you to be more focused.


NLG is a non-profit organization. NLG offers a complementary healthcare method to support the participant’s well-being. NLG practitioners are not licensed physicians.
NLG is not a substitute for medical treatment or medications.
Any NLG services, suggestions, or communications provided should not be taken as a diagnosis or recommendation against the advice of a licensed physician or mental health professional.
NLG Energy Source is not responsible for participants’ medical condition.
To interact with NLG Energy Source is to agree to completely hold harmless and absolutely indemnify NLG Energy Source, NLG personnel, volunteers, and practitioners from any and all liabilities and expenses incurred in relation to any legal actions.