NLG Founder

A letter from NLG Founder

After 35 years of studying and practicing various spiritual disciplines and five years of learning at the “Spiritual Library”, I decided to share my knowledge and healing methods through NLG Energy Source. I am allowed to apply NLG’s methods and use the Energy Source to support students achieve good health, knowledge, and the right approach towards life.

My purpose in life is to devote myself to bringing NLG to everyone. In 2018, I established NLG Energy Source in California, USA to widely spread NLG, support students heal themselves, heal their family and heal their community.

I sincerely invite people with kind hearts to join NLG to help themselves and others stay healthy and happy. Together we can create a better future for many people.

Mr. Phuc Le

NLG Founder

Our Mission

Through the Teachings of NLG, We Can Reach the Highest Form of Human Beings.
NLG Energy Mission

Physical & Mental Well-being

NLG improves people’s physical and mental well-being through our classes and online / in-person energy transmissions.
NLG Energy Mission

Healing & Happy Home

Practice the 5 forms of love concept to see how we see ourselves and know the answer to helping humanity to evolve.
NLG Energy Mission

Make a Better World

NLG will help solve the problems that have been plaguing our world through the ages and bring about prosperity to many.

Through the Teachings of NLG, We Can Reach the Highest Form of Human Beings

Through the cycle of reincarnation, the smallest particle of life has lived and built up energy, died, and reincarnated into a higher life form over and over until reaching the highest form as a human being. Humans continue to reincarnate to develop spiritually into higher and higher levels. The term “higher” used here means more capable of loving and helping their fellow man with real love. Being “higher” means having wisdom and the intelligence to find the simple and beneficial way to develop set forth through the teachings of NLG. When you leave your body in death, if you have helped humankind at a “high” enough level, you are allowed to have choices about your next life as to where you are born and into what circumstances you will live. Choices that will help your soul develop into a higher frequency of evolution (love).

Become An NLG Practitioner

NLG Energy University offers 5 Levels of NLG Classes either online or in person.

Learn More


NLG is a non-profit organization. NLG offers a complementary healthcare method to support the participant’s well-being. NLG practitioners are not licensed physicians.
NLG is not a substitute for medical treatment or medications.
Any NLG services, suggestions, or communications provided should not be taken as a diagnosis or recommendation against the advice of a licensed physician or mental health professional.
NLG Energy Source is not responsible for participants’ medical condition.
To interact with NLG Energy Source is to agree to completely hold harmless and absolutely indemnify NLG Energy Source, NLG personnel, volunteers, and practitioners from any and all liabilities and expenses incurred in relation to any legal actions.